paid-up share capital|paid up share capital in English

total face value of shares that a company has paid fo

Use "paid-up share capital|paid up share capital" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "paid-up share capital|paid up share capital" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "paid-up share capital|paid up share capital", or refer to the context using the word "paid-up share capital|paid up share capital" in the English Dictionary.

1. Share: The aggregate of called up share capital and all reserves, excluding minority interests.

2. they have been paid up, including the related share premium accounts;

3. The author thinks that the intension of capital earnings rate can be divided into paid-up capital, owned capital, total capital, operating capital and human capital.

4. They paid a high dividend in 1921 at about 61 per cent of the paid - up capital .

5. Saudi Arabia holds about one quarter of the bank's paid up capital.

6. Black Ambition would receive an ownership of $50,000 divided by 85% of the price per share paid by the Venture Capital firm.

7. Synonyms for Amortized include repaid, remunerated, paid off, paid back, paid, settled, paid up, anted up, ponied up and discharged

8. Victor's share would have paid off his debt.

9. For the year 1909 , Wallace estimated the total investment ( paid - up capital and debentures ) at Rs 15 crores .

10. The Buyback Offer Size represents 14.13% and 7.47% of the aggregate of the Company’s fully paid-up equity capital

11. This represents a 63% share of the enlarged issued ordinary share capital of Stoddard.

12. Dues all paid up.

13. The State would convert in advance the subordinated loan capital of DKK # million into share capital

14. Various conformations of human capital should be recognized active capital that are ought to be encouraged, human capital should share in organizational ownership with physical capital.

15. United paid City £5,000 per season, plus a share of gate receipts.

16. – alterations to the articles of association and increases in share capital,

17. – alterations to the Articles of Association and increases in share capital,

18. The bank has a share capital of almost 100 million dollars.

19. Capital commitments: aggregate amount of capital expenses contracted for but not recognized as paid or provided for at year end;

20. • Capital commitments: aggregate amount of capital expenses contracted for but not recognized as paid or provided for at year end;

21. VAT paid during the accounting year on the purchase of capital goods (investments

22. VAT paid during the accounting year on the purchase of capital goods (investments).

23. dividends paid (aggregate or per share) separately for ordinary shares and other shares.

24. dividends paid (aggregate or per share) separately for ordinary shares and other shares

25. Many Iranians demanded that a higher share of the company's earnings be paid.